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Testimony & Presentation - A thankful patient's story

A thankful patient's story

   I first visited Dr. Guo in 1981. I was referred to him by a friend who told me a Chinese doctor, new to Chicago, had arrived. This doctor was doing research on the value of medicinal herbs in curing Cancer. He was treating patients while continuing his research.

   I went to Dr. Guo because ten or more western doctors had been unsuccessful in dealing with my condition which I know now as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.When I went to Dr. Guo this disease was unnamed, unknown and incurable by western medicine. There were those among my doctors who, at that time, thought the disease was psychosomatic. With the real symptoms I was experiencing I knew this was not the case.

   After several months of herbs and acupuncture, I slowly regained my health eliminating the daily fever I was running and the debilitating tiredness I experienced every afternoon.

   I continued going to Dr. Guo for seven years for various minor ailments. I finally left about ten years ago because he could do nothing for my overeating.

   When I came back to Dr. Guo 5 years ago I had eaten myself to 314 pounds, three silent heart attacks, congestive heart failure and three blocked arteries. I was advised by new western doctors the only alternative for me was a triple by-pass. I knew if I took that route I would never lose the weight and would just keep on eating until I finally killed myself.

   I began treatment with Dr. Guo and because of his treatment have lost 150 pounds, built my ejection fraction from 20% to 50% and eliminated the need for a by-pass.

   I hold Dr. Guo and his work as the finest medicine I've ever experienced. This is not the placebo effect... it's real medicine. Arteries and your heart don't rebuild themselves without the genetic level effect Chinese herbs and a great practitioner has on your body.

   My life is now in my hands thanks to Dr. Guo's assistance. I am very proud of both of us.

(If you want to talk with me, ask Dr. Guo or his assistants to arrange a phone or personal meeting)

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