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Testimony & Presentation - Letter from Pat

Letter from Pat.

July 26, 2006

Dear Dr. Guo,

I wanted to thank you once again for saving my life.

In 1990, doctors at two hospitals gave me two months to live. I had hepatitis C before they know of hepatitis C in America. My liver and kidneys were shutting down. Doctors at the hospital prescribed huge doses of lasix and Aldectone, both diuretics. The diuretics were causing me to hemorrhage and bleed internally. I underwent emergency surgery twice to stop the internal bleeding. My weight dropped to 70 pounds but my stomach swelled to 42 inches at the waist. At the hospital, doctors cut a hole into my stomach and inserted a tube to drain the fluids. That worked only temporarily, and my swelling returned within 24 hours after the tube was removed.

Then, my chiropractor referred me to you. You immediately recognized the disease and prescribed herbal teas. I was so weak that my husband had to make the teas for me. At first, I was reluctant to take the teas. After a week or ten days, I could tell the teas were working. The swelling subsided and my strength started to come back. Then I became anxious to drink the tea.

The teas were supplemented by acupuncture to stimulate the nerves to the liver and kidneys. Within two months, I was 90% cured. My husband took me back to the hospital for a blood test. The doctors at the hospital could not believe that my liver and kidneys were functioning normally. Their prognosis was that my liver and kidneys would never function properly again. 

Thanks Again and Best Wishes Always

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